Farnborough Business Park – 4 stars for Sustainability
19 October 2021

Farnborough Business Park, owned by Frasers Property UK, is delighted to have received four GRESB stars. The Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) measures the environmental, social and governance performance of real estate and placed Frasers Property UK first amongst its competitors. This is a jump up from two stars scored in 2020, which is a big achievement for the business.

Three people ride bikes on a paved path near a modern glass office building

Initiatives at Farnborough Business Park which contributed to the four-star win included water efficient fixtures throughout all multi occupied buildings, installing smart metering and efficient lighting through the buildings and car park, as well as rating over 80% of the park with green building certification BREEAM.

Sustainability and biodiversity are at the heart of Farnborough Business Park. A host of other initiatives have been put in place to make the park even more environmentally friendly. Ryde bikes have recently launched which are free to hire ensuring a more sustainable way to travel around the park. Bird, bat and bug boxes in the woodland areas are now home to a variety of creatures and a food composter that has been installed ensuring that there is no food waste from the onsite café The Aviators. The composter is operated manually so requires no electricity or power, saving energy. The number of electric car charging points have been increased and there has been an LED light replacement programme in managed areas and voids.  Cycling and end of trip facilities have also been installed in buildings for occupiers.

Amira Hashemi, Sustainability Manager at Frasers Property UK said: “We’ve worked hard to not just optimise our business park portfolio, but also the way we structure our corporate operations. We’ve integrated sustainability risks into our risk management and improved our reporting. We’ve also certified over 1.6 million sq ft of space with BREEAM In Use certifications and technical assessments across the portfolio, whilst also conducting occupier satisfaction surveys and actioning the feedback received. A 4-star GRESB rating is fantastic recognition of our efforts to integrate and deliver sustainability improvements at Farnborough Business Park and across the business park portfolio”.