When it comes to biodiversity at Farnborough Park it's top of the agenda for the business park and our community. Both our “Meet The Bees” and "Honey Harvest" events were a sell out success and everyone was buzzing with excitement to take delivery of their very own pot of Farnborough Honey!
We invited our community to become beekeepers for a lunchtime and discover the significant impact our hives have on enhancing the business park’s biodiversity.
Bees, especially honeybees, are critical pollinators for fruits, vegetables, and nuts. About one-third of the food we eat is pollinated primarily by bees. And so, giving nature a helping hand with our hives is important for helping to promote the local eco system and montioring the health of the bee population.
With our hives abuzz and our landscaping designed to offer a wide variety of plants so there’s plenty for them to feed upon, we enjoyed a bumper crop this year. Did you know a single beehive can produce anywhere from 20 to 60 pounds of honey annually depending on local weather, floral sources, and hive health?
It’s important to play our part for the planet and as you’ll see when you walk around Farnborough, there’s quite a few initiatives across the business park to help promote the local wildlife.
There is now an increased awareness and recognition of how the workplace impacts employee mental health. Stress can prevent us from entirely focusing and doing our best work, even on our best days. Consequently, employers are increasingly looking for ways to design modern office space that supports good mental health and well-being.
In this blog, we explore four key benefits of the right office space design in employee welfare and provide tips for designing and implementing office spaces that support good mental health.
Companies constantly look to strengthen and enhance their client relationships. While many things influence these connections, one major factor that is often overlooked is the office location.
We would really like to hear your thoughts on Farnborough Business Park, your working patterns and what you are looking forward to. This information will provide us with invaluable insight as we review our amenities, activities, events and communications.